The Policy Development Directorate within the Office Of The Deputy Prime Minister And Ministry For Foreign Affairs And Tourism is accountable to the Permanent Secretary. This Directorate has been set up in October 2023 to oversee foreign policy in its wider sense and also be able to look into particular dossiers which require central coordination among various MFT Directorates.

The main task of the Policy Development Directorate is policy development, formulation and planning. The Directorate is also tasked with the periodic review of existing policies in order to remain relevant to the ever-evolving geopolitical context and new realities. This also includes any public consultation processes which are required.

The Policy Development Directorate also deals with certain EU related dossiers which require central coordination, and is responsible for coordinating Malta’s position with regard to the EU Enlargement Policy. The Policy Development Directorate also represents the Ministry on the EU Inter-Ministerial Committee.
