The Ambassador of the Republic of Malta to the Slovak Republic, H.E. Dr. Simon Cachia, presented his credentials to H.E. Zuzana Čaputová on 13 July 2022 during a ceremony held at Grassalkovich Palace, the Presidential Palace of the Slovak Republic, in Bratislava. During the tête-à-tête with Her Excellency, issues of common interest were discussed, including the challenging migratory pressures that Europe is facing to its Eastern and Southern peripheries.

The presentation of credentials was preceded by the Ambassador presenting his Copie d’Usage to the Director of Protocol of the Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic. During his visit to Bratislava, Ambassador Cachia held various meetings at the Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs of Slovakia, whereby the strong and longstanding bilateral relationship between Malta and Slovakia and potential areas for further collaboration between the two countries were discussed.

Throughout the visit in Bratislava, the Ambassador was accompanied by Mr Thomas Attard, Second Secretary at the Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade of Malta.

H.E. Dr. Simon Cachia, Ambassador of the Republic of Malta to the Slovak Republic presenting his Letters of Credentials to H.E.

H.E. Dr. Simon Cachia, Ambassador of the Republic of Malta to the Slovak Republic presenting his Letters of Credentials to H.E. Zuzana Čaputová, President of the Slovak Republic at Grassalkovich Palace, Presidential residence in Bratislava.

H.E. Dr. Simon Cachia, Ambassador of the Republic of Malta to the Slovak Republic and H.E. Zuzana Čaputová, President of the Slo

H.E. Dr. Simon Cachia, Ambassador of the Republic of Malta to the Slovak Republic and H.E. Zuzana Čaputová, President of the Slovak Republic at Grassalkovich Palace, Presidential residence in Bratislava.
