Welcome to the Embassy of Malta in Kuwait. Malta and Kuwait formally established diplomatic relations in 1972 and since, both countries have in different times and circumstances, expressed and extended mutual solidarity when the occasion presented itself. Malta and Kuwait have long enjoyed strong and growing bilateral relations and with the opening of an Embassy in Kuwait City, Malta aims to augment its excellent relations with the State of Kuwait with a view to further enhancing our political, economic, cultural and social ties.
This website is designed to be both informative and of service to both Maltese nationals and Kuwaiti citizens. We hope that you find it useful and we encourage anyone interested in finding out what more Malta can offer to contact the Embassy directly. If you are a Maltese citizen and resident in the State of Kuwait, we invite you to register with the Consular Section of the Embassy. This will allow us to know about your presence and better assist you in case of an emergency. We look forward to serving you at the Embassy of Malta.