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Dear Patron, Malta and the UAE may be separated by a seven-hour flight, but they could not be more similar. Both run by ambitious governments with the vision and fortitude to make of their countries the best in their respective regions and in the world, both believe that tolerant and respectful multicultural societies, where all those who wish to contribute can do so and thrive of their gains, are ultimately bound to reap an important dividend: a happy and satisfactory life.
COVID-19 has certainly demonstrated the importance of this concept and has also provided opportunities to both countries’ people to show that with resilience and fortitude, wisdom and discipline a country can overcome any predicament and indeed bring out the best. In fact, both Malta and the UAE have demonstrated these qualities.
Following the establishment of diplomatic relations on 20 November 1973, Malta and the UAE went on to sign a number of agreements namely the Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreement in 2006, the Air Services Agreement in 1994 (amended in 2006,2007), and more recently, a Memorandum of Understanding on Political Consultations signed in 2014 and a Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Public Administration signed in 2016.
Spurred by this robust legal architecture, which both countries aim to expand in the coming months, both aim to continue cooperating in innovation; education and training; instituting a culture of public service accountability; enhancing e-services and digital platforms; and accelerating programmes for start-ups.
In 2007, Malta was the EU country which conceived of the Euro-Arab Dialogue, launching the first Ministerial Meeting between the European Union and the League of Arab States in 2008 in Malta. As a European country which has traditionally enjoyed strong links with the Arab world, Malta is uniquely placed to work with our partners in the United Arab Emirates and in the Gulf.
The Embassy also salutes the expeditious and hard-working Maltese diaspora in the UAE, which has long-represented Malta impeccably, and continues to do so, through its hard work and contribution to the continuous development of the United Arab Emirates.
I hope that you will find this webpage both helpful and inspirational, and please do not hesitate to contact the Embassy should you wish to obtain more information.
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Maria Camilleri Calleja
Ambassador of the Republic of Malta